
MYTH 1: THE MAJORITY OF TREES ARE CUT DOWN FOR PAPER OR WOOD.While rising demand for wood and timber poses a significant threat to the world's forests, agriculture is the ...

3 Myths About Deforestation


#1 Gender diversity is not an issue, as my female friends claim they are not discriminated against.Many women are fortunate in that they have not faced discrimination; however, this is ...

3 International Women’s Day Myths Debunked


Trade rather than gambleThe uncertainty of the outcome is something that both trading and gambling have in common. On both playing fields, a bet is placed and the outcome is ...

3 Quick Tips On Crypto Trading


Digital Currencies Are Only Used for Illegal PurposesOne of the oldest and most pervasive misconceptions about digital currencies is that they are mostly used for illegal purposes. While it is ...

3 Common Myths You Should Steer Away From!


So, to get you inspired, we’re sharing 3 different ideas companies of all sizes can get involved with and celebrate #IWD2022, showcasing women’s achievements, raising awareness against bias and taking ...

3 Ways for Companies to Celebrate Womens Day!


Yes, if you feel like you’re going to nod off on that park bench or at the beach, no one will think poorly of you. It’s actually what we are ...

National Public Sleeping Day!


1. There is no such thing as oversleeping.Oversleeping, according to the National Sleep Foundation, is defined as sleeping more than nine hours in a 24-hour period. Furthermore, "oversleeping can reduce ...

3 Common Sleeping Myths…


1. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.Allow for no more than eight hours of sleep. A healthy adult should get at least seven hours of sleep per night. The majority of ...

3 Quick Tips to Snooze Better!


1. Wear Hearts on Your SleeveThere are numerous interpretations of the phrase "to wear your heart on your sleeve." However, as entertaining or even plausible as some of these are, there ...

5 Unusual Myths About Valentine’s Day